The Baytak Party continues its ongoing green project to clean up public gardens and courtyards. Another cleanup event took place in Astana

The Baytak Party continues its ongoing green project to clean up public gardens and courtyards. Another cleanup event took place in Astana
A meeting of the Scientific Expert Council under the Baytak Green Party was held in Astana to address flood problems.
The topic of the meeting was: “Water Code: before and after floods.” Experts and members of the Baytak party discussed the need to improve the Water Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan in order to more effectively regulate issues related to floods and their consequences. Floods annually cause significant damage to the country’s economy and […]
A round table was held in the Almaty region on the topic “Biological protection of the green fund”
A round table was held in the Almaty region on the topic “Biological protection of the green fund”
A complete abandonment of wipes in Kazakhstan will provoke, according to some experts, the growth of the shadow market.

A complete abandonment of wipes in Kazakhstan will provoke, according to some experts, the growth of the shadow market.
Do we need a nuclear power plant? “Baytak” Green Party brings together experts to analyze energy reform
Do we need a nuclear power plant? “Baytak” Green Party brings together experts to analyze energy reform
The “Baytaq” party is hosting a roundtable discussion on “Drinking Water and Water Resources.”

How much water does Kazakhstan have? On this topic, the “Baytaq” party is hosting a roundtable discussion on
The III Regular Congress of the Green Party “Baytaq” Held in Astana

On July 22, 2023, the III Regular Congress of the Green Party “Baytaq” of Kazakhstan was held. More than
“Barriers to Increasing the Collection and Processing of Secondary Raw Materials in Kazakhstan”
The Kazakhstani Green Party, “BAYTAQ,” in collaboration with the union of legal entities, the
An ecological party “Baytak” appeared in Kazakhstan

“In accordance with Article 10 of the Law “On Political Parties”, on November 28, 2022, the public association “Kazakhstan Green Party Baitak” was registered by the Ministry of Justice,” the press service reported.
Party “Baytak” held an eco-campaign on planting trees

The Kazakhstani “Green” Party “Baytak” together with the Akimat of Almaty district of Astana city and the football club “Zhenis” held an annual planned planting of trees as part of the autumn ecological month