The III Regular Congress of the Green Party “Baytaq” Held in Astana

July 22, 2023

On July 22, 2023, the III Regular Congress of the Green Party “Baytaq” of Kazakhstan was held. More than 200 people from all regional branches participated in the congress.

In his speech, the chairman of the Green Party “Baytaq”, Azamatkhan Amirtaev, reported on the results of the work, international cooperation, and set the direction for plans in strengthening the party composition and participation in all upcoming elections announced by the President.

The party delegates listened to the report of the chairman of the Party Control Committee and the report of the acting chairman of the Central Audit and Control Commission. They adopted a code of ethics.

During the congress, members of the party’s political council and the composition of the Central Audit and Control Commission were re-elected. Amendments to the charter were adopted. They discussed concepts of reforms in ecology and energy, and presented a model of a digital party.

After the main agenda items of the party, delegates from the regions discussed environmental and social problems that are at the center of public attention in their regions.