The Baytak Party continues its ongoing green project to clean up public gardens and courtyards. Another cleanup event took place in Astana

April 17, 2024

On April 13, 2024, the Green Party “Baytak” organized a significant cleanup day in the city of Astana, dedicated to keeping courtyards, parks and public gardens clean.

The event was intended not only to improve the environmental situation in the city, but also to demonstrate the active civic position of party members and supporters on the important issue of environmental protection.

Hundreds of volunteers and party members gathered in Pushkin Square and throughout the city, armed with cleaning tools. Participants cleaned up trash, making the city greener and more well-groomed.
“This cleanup is not only a practical contribution to the improvement of our city, but also a symbol of our desire to create a healthy and sustainable environment for all residents of Astana. We are proud of the support of our supporters and are confident that through joint efforts we can make the world around us cleaner and more comfortable,” said Azamatkhan Amirtayev, Chairman of the Kazakhstan Green Party “Baytak”.

The party expresses gratitude to everyone and continues its journey for green ideas and improving the situation not only in Astana, but throughout the country.