A meeting of the Scientific Expert Council under the Baytak Green Party was held in Astana to address flood problems.

April 8, 2024

The topic of the meeting was: “Water Code: before and after floods.” Experts and members of the Baytak party discussed the need to improve the Water Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan in order to more effectively regulate issues related to floods and their consequences. Floods annually cause significant damage to the country’s economy and pose a threat to the life and health of citizens. The current Water Code does not fully take into account modern realities and challenges associated with climate change and other factors.
At the meeting, specific proposals for preventing and eliminating the consequences of floods were considered. We began to develop an integrated approach to solving this pressing problem.
Let us remind you that the Scientific Expert Council includes reputable scientists and experts in the field of water resources, ecology, environmental management and related poisons. These are highly qualified specialists from the country’s leading scientific and educational institutions with extensive research experience.
Involving leading experts from various fields of knowledge will allow us to comprehensively study the problem of floods and floods, and develop balanced and informed proposals for improving the Water Code, taking into account the realities of today.
Speakers included:
Amirtaev Azamatkhan – Chairman of the Green Party “Baytak”;
Sagitov Abay Orazovich – member of the political council of the Almaty city branch of the green party “Baytak”
Zhanai Sagin, PhD, Professor of the Department of Engineering Geomatics, Kazakh-British Technical University;
Ashiryaev Klim Shavkatovich, Ph.D., professor, international expert on the problem of water conservation;
Abirov Askar Abashevich, Ph.D., hydraulic engineer, chief researcher, Institute of Scientific, Technical and Economic Research;