The Kazakhstan Green Party “Baytak” is implementing a project to reform the country’s energy sector
The Kazakhstan Green Party “Baytak” is implementing a project to reform the country’s energy sector.
Dear residents and guests of Astana!
Dear residents and guests of Astana!
Chairman of the Kazakhstan Green Party “Baytak” Azamatkhan Amirtayev will hold a public reception in Almaty region
Chairman of the Kazakhstan Green Party “Baytak” Azamatkhan Amirtayev will hold a public reception in Almaty region
Will Armenian-Azerbaijani negotiations move to the “Kazakh format”?
The Baytak Party continues its ongoing green project to clean up public gardens and courtyards. Another cleanup event took place in Astana
The Baytak Party continues its ongoing green project to clean up public gardens and courtyards. Another cleanup event took place in Astana
Regular assistance to flood victims in Kulsary came from the Green Party “Baytak”
Flood and emergency in 9 regions of the Republic of Kazakhstan: work failed – how to eliminate negligence and chaos in the regions?
“Local residents must manage the water bodies themselves.” Experts ask to improve the Water Code
A meeting of the Scientific Expert Council under the Baytak Green Party was held in Astana to address flood problems.
The topic of the meeting was: “Water Code: before and after floods.” Experts and members of the Baytak party discussed the need to improve the Water Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan in order to more effectively regulate issues related to floods and their consequences. Floods annually cause significant damage to the country’s economy and […]