The founding conference of the branch of the Kazakhstan Green Party “Baytaq” will be held in Almaty

January 13, 2023

On January 13, 2023 at 10.00, the founding conference of the Almaty branch of the Kazakhstan Green Party «Baytaq» will be held.

Within the framework of the conference, a solemn ceremony of accepting new members of the party, as well as the creation of a political bureau of the Almaty branch of the Kazakh Green Party «Baytaq» are planned.

Venue: Almaty, Dostyk avenue 104a, Novotel hotel, Elstar conference hall.

Spravochno: partiya «Baytaq» zaregistrirovana Ministerstvom yustitsii Respubliki Kazakhstan 28 noyabrya 2022 goda. Lider partii – ekolog, chlen Natsional’nogo kurultaya Azamatkhan Amirtay. Tsel’ partii «zelenykh» – ob«yedinit’ ekologov respubliki i vystupat’ za chistyye ekologicheskiye usloviya, modernizatsiyu predpriyatiy, bezopasnyye usloviya truda i drugiye ekoinitsiativy.

For reference: the Baytaq party was registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan on November 28, 2022.The leader of the party is an ecologist, a member of the National Kurultai Azamatkhan Amirtai. The goal of the Green Party is to unite ecologists of the republic and advocate for clean environmental conditions,