Medetkali Nurgaziyev

Political council member

NameMedetkali Nurgaziyev
Home AddressAtyrau, Kulsary town, south airport, 320- street, 248th house.
Contact number+7 776 000 3344
Date of birth03-Feb-1985
Marital statusMarried
LanguagesKazakh, English, Russian
Computer skillsAll programs of Microsoft office, Rig Report by EPOCH


Dates1999-2003 Mangistau Humanitarian Colledge, Aktau – Interpreter
2020 – present day, Uralsk Kazakhstan University of Innovative and Telecommunication Systems, Uralsk – state and local governance
Training CoursesISO45001:2018 Occupational health and safety management systems – requirements and guidance for use 
-“Safety officer”, NDIL, Dubai, UAE
-IOSH working safely
-Rig management system, manual-3
-Technical & Report Writing
-Communication & Presentation skills
-Meeting skills & Time management
-“Tap Root” the incident investigation, Dubai, UAE
-“OSHA” (occupational safety & health administration), Tengiz
-Certificate of “Slinger”
-“Hazard Recognition Training” SAIT

Work experience 

DateCompanyPosition and brief job descriptions
2020 August –  present timeTesla Tan LLP
Tengiz, FGP project
Safety manager at warehouse facility of FGP project
-Control and tracking MVS, all transports, SP-15 
-Safety meetings and Audits
2019 October –  2020 AprilDenholm-Zholdas LLP, TengizAssistant of Safety manager
-Submit Stop cards
-Hazard Hunting
-Translator of English, Kazakh and Russian languages
-Prepare Power Point slides for Re-Induction meetings
-Prepare and emailing Daily, weekly, monthly HSE reports
2016 October –  2019 OctoberOwn work shop, KulsaryCNC Machine Operator
-Mach 3 Milling
-Making 2D and 3D forms from wood and steel
2015 –  2016 OctoberKMG Nabors Drilling LLP
Coil tubing “Non Rig” Operations, completion works
Tengiz, Atyrau, Kulsary
Safety Coordinator              
-Hazard hunt inspection
-DOMS (dropped object management system) –
-Safety harnesses and SALA block inspection
-Weekly smoke detector and fire extinguisher inspections
-Daily pre-tour forklift, manlift, crane and light vehicle inspections
-Lifting equipment inspection and register
-Conduct the H2S drill, simulated spill drill, BOP drill, firefighting drill, muster point drill, confined space rescue drill and first aid drill.
-Five minute safety toolbox meeting
-Fill training matrix and safety coordinators’ daily HSE schedules for month
-Incident investigation with TAP Root© and other forms required by RoK
-Upload and submit Stop Cards of employees to the system 
-Weekly and Monthly HSE reports
2011 –  2015 October Nabors Drilling International Ltd
Rig – 40 Drilling rig
Rig – 652 workover rig, Komsomolsk, Tasbulat, Aktas and Turkmenoi oilfields at Mangistau, Aktau 

Rig – 584, 585 & 4 Drilling rigs, Coil tubing “Non Rig Operations”  Tengiz oilfield, Atyrau, Kulsary
Safety Coordinator              
Coiled tubing “Non Rig” Operations (Completion), Tengiz, Kulsary
-Hazard hunt inspection
-DOMS (dropped object management system) inspection
-Safety harnesses and SALA block inspection
-Weekly smoke detector and fire extinguisher inspections
-Daily pre-tour forklift, manlift, crane and light vehicle inspections
-Lifting equipment inspection and register
-Conduct the H2S drill, simulated spill drill, BOP drill, firefighting drill,                muster point drill, confined space rescue drill and first aid drill.
-Five-minute safety toolbox meeting
-Fill training matrix and safety coordinators’ daily HSE schedules for month
-Incident investigation with TAP Root© and other forms required by RoK
-Upload and submit Stop Cards of employees to the system 
-Weekly and Monthly HSE reports
2006 –  2011  Zhasulan & Co (BT Corporation)
Morskoe, Ogaisk, Kara Arna, Biikzhal, Munaily, Kaskyrbulak, Sholkara, Tortai, Alaoil, Ushkan oilfields at Atyrau;
At Aktobe Kopa, Bozoi fields;
At Mangistau Yelemes, Saztobe oil fields;
Safety Manager    
ARB-100, A-50, UPA-80/60 Russian type drilling and workover rigs 
ZJ-30 Chinese drilling rig          
-Overall safety control of drilling and workover rigs
-Negotiate well work with GGTN and Ak Beren Well Control
2006 –  2011“ZhyloiTransportService”  (BT Corporation)Safety Engineer
-Crane and transport safety
-Permits for crude oil transportation
2005 –  2006Artic Construction InternationalPermit Coordinator 
-Log the PTWs
-Job Safety Analyses
2004 – 2005Artic Construction InternationalHSE Specialist 
-Work site HSE officer
-Daily safety inspections
March 2004 – June 2004Zamgo LLP (Senimdi Kurylis)Safety engineer
-SGP & SGI projects of TCO

Also have an experience with all kind of safety documentation including: 

-«GGTI» & «Ak Beren» docs

-RMS (Rig Management System)

-Preparing reports of Incidents to Labor Department 

-Incidents investigation & documents preparation

-Safety audits 

-Control & inspection of load-lifting equipment 

-Safety policy design according to ISO45001:2018

-Safety Meeting organization etc.

-Conduct HSE campaigns as Global Zero missions, IIF –Incident Injury Free etc