Main - Charter

1.1. On September 24, 2022, the founding congress of the Public Association
“«Baytaq» The Green рarty of Qazaqstan” was held.
1.2. The full name of the party is:
in Kazakh: “Қазақстанның «Байтақ» жасылдар партиясы” Коғамдық Бірлестігі;
in Russian: Общественное Объединение «Казахстанская партия зелёных «Байтақ»;
in English: «Baytaq» The Green рarty of Qazaqstan.
The abbreviated name of the party is:
in Kazakh: “Байтақ” партиясы;
in Russian: партия «Байтақ»;
in English: “Baytaq” party.
1.3. The party is recognized as a voluntary association of citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan expressing the political will of citizens, various social groups, in order to represent their interests in the representative and executive bodies of state power, local self-government on environmental issues and participate in their formation.
The party is created in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
1.4. The governing bodies of the party and its structural subdivisions (branches) are located on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
1.5. The party carries out its activities in accordance with the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On Political Parties” and other normative legal acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Charter and Program of the party.
1.6. The party is a legal entity, has separate property on the right of ownership, is liable for this property for its obligations, may acquire and exercise property and personal non-property rights and obligations in its own name, be a plaintiff and defendant in court.
The legal capacity of the party arises from the moment of its state registration and terminates at the moment of its liquidation.
1.7. The party has an independent balance sheet, settlement and other accounts in banks, a seal indicating its name in the state and Russian languages.
1.8. The location of the Central Office of the party is: Republic of Kazakhstan, 010000, city of Nur-Sultan, Almaty district, Amanzholov str., 32/1, office 6.
2.1. Party Objectives:
Participating in the political life of society;
Implementing the party’s program goals and tasks in environmental issues;
Participating in the legislative process.
2.2. The party’s goal is to protect plant and animal life, preserve biological diversity, and through political work, achieve the construction of an economically strong, democratic, secular, rule-of-law, and social state with developed civil society institutions and a modern, competitive political system.
2.3. The party’s tasks include:
Fighting for the efficient use of natural resources as a public good;
Introducing nature-conserving, innovative technologies and digitizing the environmental protection industry;
Educating the public, especially the younger generation, about nature conservation;
Preparing, supporting, and nominating political leaders and party members for government and local self-government bodies;
Clarifying and promoting the party’s program and statutory goals and tasks among the population, disseminating information about its activities;
Participating in elections and republican referendums in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
Representing the interests of the party and its members, citizens, and various social groups in government and local self-government bodies;
Participating in social, economic, and political reforms in accordance with the party’s program, and creating a national quality of life standard;
Supporting small and medium-sized businesses, peasant and farming households;
Assisting in the strengthening of interethnic and interfaith harmony and stability in society;
Participating in nationwide discussions of legislative bills;
Studying public opinion and developing proposals for legislative bills and other normative legal acts, as well as developing draft normative legal acts for submission to representative and executive bodies, and implementing them through parliamentary associations;
Assisting in the creation and organizational strengthening of youth organizations, providing them with support and assistance;
Assisting in the integration of youth into the social, economic, and other spheres of society and the state;
Nominating party members for state awards in accordance with established procedures;
Providing moral encouragement to party members;
Assisting in the education of citizens to have a zero-tolerance attitude towards corruption, and exercising public control over the activities of government bodies.
2.4. To achieve the goals and objectives set out in the Charter and Program, the party, in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, has the right to:
nominate candidates:
for the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
for the deputies of the Majilis of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the party list for the unified nationwide electoral district;
for the deputies of the maslikhats of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the party list for the territorial electoral districts;
for the bodies of local self-government;
for akims of various levels in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
for other elective positions in the state authorities;
1-1) conduct preliminary intra-party selection of candidates for nomination as candidates for deputies of the Majilis of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan and maslikhats of all levels;
through members of the party who are deputies of maslikhats, propose candidates for the Senate of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan, participate in discussions of candidates for akims of administrative-territorial units and for other elective positions in state authorities, influence the process of approval of candidates for akims of all levels through maslikhats, initiate through the party’s deputy factions (groups) in maslikhats the expression of a vote of no confidence in the relevant akims;
create a deputy faction in the Majilis of the Parliament and deputy factions (groups) of the party in local representative bodies, initiate the creation of a deputy group in the Senate of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan, initiate through the deputy faction in the Majilis of the Parliament the expression of a vote of no confidence in the Government and its members;
cooperate with political parties and other institutions of civil society operating in the Republic of Kazakhstan, establish contacts and connections with political parties of other countries, conclude relevant agreements, become a collective member of international non-governmental non-profit associations, except religious ones;
4-1) disseminate information about its activities and promote its goals and objectives;
organize and conduct peaceful assemblies, rallies, marches, pickets and demonstrations, other socio-political actions and events in accordance with the legislation;
carry out publishing and printing activities;
create its own media;
at the decision of the party congress, voluntarily unite into associations (unions) with other political parties and public associations of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
to carry out entrepreneurial activities only to the extent that they correspond to the Charter goals of the party;
to engage in charitable activities in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
to exercise other rights provided by the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On Political Parties” and other legislative acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan, as applicable.
2.5. The Party shall:
comply with the Constitution and laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
provide each citizen with the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the party documents, decisions, and sources of information affecting their rights and interests;
inform the registering authority of any changes in the location of the party’s permanent body and information about its leaders in the scope of data included in the National Business Identification Number Register;
submit a report on its financial activities to the state revenue authorities within the time limits and scope established by the laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
3.1. Membership in the party is individual, voluntary, and fixed.
3.2. A citizen of the Republic of Kazakhstan who has reached the age of 18, meets the requirements of the Party’s Charter and program documents, actively participates in achieving the goals and implementing the tasks facing the party, and pays party membership fees in a timely manner, except for those specified in legislative acts, may become a member of the Party. The procedure and conditions for admission to the party are regulated by the relevant normative act of the party.
3.3. Membership in the Party is incompatible with membership in other parties.
3.4. Admission to the Party is decided by a meeting of the primary party organization based on a written application from a citizen. Other documents may be provided for making a decision on admission to the Party by the party’s normative acts. An electronic document certified by an electronic digital signature is equated to a written application on paper for admission to or withdrawal from the Party.
Admission to the Party may be carried out by the Political Council Bureau of the Party and its branches, as well as by the Bureau of the primary party organization.
3.5. Membership in the Party is confirmed by the corresponding party document.
3.6. Termination of membership in the Party is carried out in cases:
withdrawal from the Party based on a written application submitted to the relevant structural unit;
loss of citizenship, permanent residence outside the Republic of Kazakhstan;
entry into military service, special state bodies, law enforcement agencies, with appointment (election) as a judge;
exclusion from the Party;
joining another party;
death, as well as when a citizen is declared dead or incapacitated by a court decision.
Grounds for exclusion from the party are:
Conviction of a crime or offense by a court decision in force;
Committing a corruption offense;
Self-nomination as a candidate for the Senate of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan and other elected positions in local government and self-government without the party’s approval;
Action (inaction) discrediting the party or other action (inaction) causing damage to the party’s interests;
Failure to comply with the Party Charter, program documents, and decisions of party bodies;
Failure to register a change of residence within six months;
Other actions provided for by this Charter.
3.7. The decision to terminate membership in the party is made by the meeting or Bureau of the primary party organization, the Bureau of the Political Council of the party, or its branch. The decision to terminate membership in the party of members of the Mazhilis of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan and maslikhats is made by the Bureau of the Political Councils of the party and its branches in accordance with this Charter.
3.8. Party disciplinary measures such as a warning, reprimand, expulsion from the party may be applied to a party member for violating internal party discipline. The decision to apply a party disciplinary measure is made by the meeting or Bureau of the primary party organization, the Bureau of the Political Council of the party, or its branch.
4.1. Party members are recorded based on registration cards, lists, and electronic databases.
4.2. The records of party members are kept as follows:
In the primary party organization – based on a list and electronic database;
In territorial branches – based on registration cards and electronic databases;
In regional branches – based on electronic databases.
4.3. The Central Office of the party compiles a report on the party’s structure and its composition based on the electronic database of party members.
4.4. The responsibility for the state of the records of party members and the accuracy of the data provided lies with the chairpersons of the primary party organizations and branch chairs.
5.1. A party member has the right to:
participate in the development of party and party organization documents;
vote in and be elected to party bodies and its branches;
be nominated by the party in accordance with the legislation as a candidate for the Majilis of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the maslikhats on party lists;
be nominated by the party in accordance with the legislation as a candidate for the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Senate of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan, and other elective positions in local government and self-government bodies;
freely express their opinion, discuss party activities, make suggestions in oral or written form, criticize any party body or member;
receive protection and support from the party;
contact any party body for questions of interest and receive substantive answers;
receive information on the activities of the party and its elected bodies;
make reasoned proposals for the re-election of party members elected to party bodies, the recall or rotation of elected deputies on party lists in accordance with the legislation;
work to involve new members in the party;
decide independently to leave the party;
appeal decisions on exclusion from the party or the imposition of party sanctions to higher party bodies within three months.
5.2. A party member is obligated to:
comply with the requirements of this Charter, the party’s Program, and other documents regulating the party’s activities;
clarify and defend the statutory and programmatic goals, pre-election programs of the party;
implement party decisions. Party members in public service are not bound by party and its body’s decisions while performing official duties;
participate actively in party activities, demonstrate party membership through actions and behavior, work to increase the party’s authority and influence among the population;
pay membership dues in a timely manner;
register with the party upon changing their place of residence;
treat party symbols and party documents with care and ensure their preservation;
regularly attend party meetings.
6.1. The party builds its activities on the principles of voluntariness, equality, self-government, legality and publicity.
6.1.1. The mission, idea and values of the party are established by the Political platform of the party.
6.2. The organizational structure of the party is built in accordance with the legislation on the territorial principle.
6.3. The party has its own structural divisions – regional branches (regional, cities of republican significance and the capital), territorial branches (district and city), created in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, and primary party organizations.
6.4. Regional branches of the party are created in all regions, cities of republican significance and the capital.
6.5. Branches of the party are registered in the territorial bodies of justice.
6.6. The organizational basis of the party is the primary party organizations, which are created with at least three party members.
Primary party organizations are created at the place of residence of party members, in organizations of various organizational and legal forms, with the exception of those organizations in which the creation of primary party organizations is prohibited by legislative acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
It is allowed to create a primary party organization within the boundaries of a rural district and an electoral district or precinct.
6.7. Party groups can be created within the primary party organization.
6.8. Primary party organizations with more than one thousand members of the party, by decision of the Bureau of the Political Council of the party, may be granted the rights of a branch of the party with subordination to the corresponding territorial branch of the party.
6.9. The primary party organizations are united into the corresponding district or city branch of the party.
6.10. District and city branches of the party are united in the corresponding regional, cities of republican significance and the capital of the party branches .;
6.11. Branches of the party and primary party organizations are not legal entities, act on the basis of the Regulations on them, are guided in their activities by the Charter and program documents of the party, decisions of higher party bodies and are endowed with party property.
6.12. Structural subdivisions of the party, when implementing the decisions of higher party bodies, independently determine the ways to achieve the tasks set.
6.13. Regional branches of the party, at the suggestion of territorial branches and primary party organizations, have the right to recommend the Bureau of the Political Council of the party candidates for nomination as a candidate for the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, candidates for deputies of the Parliament and maslikhats of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
7.1. Deputies of the Majilis of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan and local representative bodies create deputy associations of the party in the form of a faction in the Majilis of the Parliament and deputy factions (groups) in local representative bodies by decision of the Bureau of the Political Council of the Party and the Bureau of the Political Council of the corresponding branch of the party.
7.2. Registration of the parliamentary faction in the Mazhilis of the Parliament is carried out in the Bureau of the Mazhilis of the Parliament. Its powers, organization, activities and provision of work are determined by the regulations of the Parliament and the Majilis.
Registration of deputy associations of the party in local representative bodies is carried out at the session of the maslikhat.
7.3. Participation of a deputy in the work of a deputy association – a faction in the Majilis of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan and a faction (group) of the party in local representative bodies of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the procedure for consultations on the candidacy of the Prime Minister before the meeting of the Mazhilis of the Parliament, the candidacy for the position of akim before consideration at the meeting of the relevant maslikhat, initiation vote of no confidence, decision-making mechanisms, its cancellation, interaction with party structures are determined by the relevant Regulations on deputy associations – factions (groups).
7.4. Deputy associations – a faction in the Majilis of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan and factions (groups) in local representative bodies of the Republic of Kazakhstan elect the leaders of deputy associations – factions (groups), respectively, on the proposal of the Party Chairman, the Bureau of the Political Council of the party branches.
7.5. The party and its structural subdivisions are obliged to assist deputy associations in their work.
The deputy faction in the Mazhilis of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan is responsible to the Chairman of the party, the highest and leading bodies of the party; deputy associations in local representative bodies – before the highest and leading bodies of the branches of the party of the corresponding level and are accountable to them.
The deputy faction in the Mazhilis of the Parliament may initiate the issue of applying the penalties provided for by the Constitutional Law “On the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the status of its deputies” to the deputies of the Mazhilis – members of the faction, a vote of no confidence in the Government and its members.
7.6. Termination of activities of deputy associations – factions (groups) is carried out in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.;;;
7.7. Duties of a party member elected as a deputy of a representative body:
be a member of the deputy faction (group) of the party in the relevant representative body;
constantly participate in the work of the parliamentary faction (group);
implement the decisions of the parliamentary faction (group);
speak with explanations of party decisions at meetings with voters;
report to the relevant Bureau of the Political Council of the party, the Bureau of the Political Council of the branch of the party on their work in the parliamentary faction (group) and the electoral district;
inform the relevant structural subdivision in which he is registered about his deputy activity;
conduct personal receptions of citizens in the public reception party.
7.8. When approving party lists of candidates for deputies of the Majilis of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan, a party must include in them representatives of three categories of citizens from among its members: women, persons under the age of twenty-nine, persons with disabilities – in the amount of at least thirty percent of the total number of candidates.
The party, when approving party lists of candidates for deputies of the maslikhat, includes women and persons under the age of twenty-nine in them, in the amount of at least thirty percent of the total number of candidates.
8.1. The organs of the party and its branches are:
Higher governing bodies;
Supreme representative bodies;
governing bodies;
executive bodies;
Control and auditing and control bodies.
8.2. Party bodies can be central, in branches – regional, cities of republican significance and the capital, district, city and primary.
8.3. supreme governing bodies.
8.3.1. The highest governing body of the party is the Congress.
The Party Congress is convened by decision of the Chairman of the Party or the Political Council of the Party as necessary, but at least once every four years.
The Congress of the Party is considered competent if representatives from all branches of the Party participate in its work.
Party congress delegates are elected at conferences of regional branches of the party, in some cases – by decision of the Chairman of the party at meetings of the Political Councils of regional branches of the party with the participation of representatives from all territorial branches of the party .;
Decisions of the party congress are taken by a majority of votes with the participation of representatives of all branches of the party at the congress.;
An extraordinary party congress may be convened by decision of the Political Council of the party or the Chairman of the party, as well as at the initiative of at least two-thirds of the regional branches of the party .;
8.3.2. The highest governing body of the branches of the party is the conference.
The conference is convened by decision of the Political Council or the Bureau of the Political Council of the branch of the party as necessary, but at least once every two years.
The conference of the regional branch is considered eligible if at least two thirds of the delegates elected at the conferences of the territorial branches participate in its work, the conference of the corresponding territorial branch – at least two thirds of the delegates elected at the meetings of the primary party organizations.
Decisions of the conference are taken by a majority vote of the delegates present.
8.3.3. The highest body of the primary party organization is the assembly.
The meeting is convened by decision of the Bureau (chairman) of the primary party organization as necessary, but at least once a quarter, and is competent with the participation of more than half of the members of the primary party organization.
Decisions of the meeting are made by a majority vote of the members of the primary party organization present.
8.4. the highest representative bodies.
8.4.1. The highest representative body of the party between party congresses is the Political Council of the Party, convened by the Chairman of the Party or the Bureau of the Political Council of the Party as necessary, but at least once a year.
The meetings of the Political Council of the party are chaired by the Chairman of the party or, on his behalf, by the Executive Secretary of the party.
The meeting of the Political Council of the party is competent if more than half of its members are present at it.
Decisions of the Political Council of the party are taken by a majority vote of its members present.
The term of office of the Political Council of the party is 4 years.
8.4.2. The highest representative body of the branch of the party between conferences is the Political Council of the branch of the party.
The political council of the branch of the party is convened by decision of the relevant Bureau of the Political Council of the branch of the party as necessary, but at least once a year;
A meeting of the Political Council of a branch of the party is competent if more than half of its members are present at it.
Decisions of the Political Council of the branch of the party are taken by a majority vote of its members present.
The term of office of the Political Council of the branch of the party is 1 year.
8.5. governing bodies.
8.5.1. The governing body of the party between party congresses and meetings of the Political Council of the Party is the Bureau of the Political Council of the Party, convened by the Chairman of the Party or the Executive Secretary of the Party as necessary, but at least once a quarter.
The meeting of the Bureau of the Political Council of the party is competent if more than half of its members are present at it.
Decisions of the Bureau of the Political Council of the party are taken by a majority vote of its members present.
It is allowed to make decisions of the Bureau of the Political Council of the Party by questioning its members.;
The term of office of the Bureau of the Political Council of the Party is 4 years.
8.5.2. The governing body of the branch of the party between conferences and meetings of the Political Council of the branch of the party is the Bureau of the Political Council of the branch of the party, convened by the Chairman of the branch or the executive secretary of the branch of the party in the absence of the Chairman of the branch as necessary, but at least once a quarter.
The meeting of the Bureau of the Political Council of the branch of the party is competent if more than half of its members are present at it.
Decisions of the Bureau of the Political Council of the branch of the party are taken by a majority vote of its members present.
It is allowed to make decisions of the Bureau of the Political Council of the branch of the party by questioning its members.;
The term of office of the Bureau of the Political Council of the branch of the party is 1 year.
8.6. executive bodies.
8.6.1. The executive body of the party is the Central Office of the party, whose members are elected by the Political Council of the party for a period of four years on the proposal of the Chairman of the party.
8.6.2. The executive body of the branch of the party is the office of the branch of the party elected by the Political Council of the branch of the party for the term of office of the Political Council of the branch on the proposal of the Chairman of the branch of the party.
8.6.3. The executive body of the primary party organization with more than 50 party members is the Bureau of the primary party organization elected from among the members of the primary organization, and in other cases – the chairman of the primary party organization, the term of office of the executive body of the primary party organization cannot exceed the term of office of the executive body of the branch of the party.
Meetings of the Bureau of the primary party organization are held as necessary, but at least once every six months, and are competent with the participation of more than half of its members.
Decisions of the Bureau of the Primary Party Organization are made by a majority vote of its members present.
The term of office of the Bureau (chairman) of the primary party organization is 1 year.
8.7. The control, revision and control bodies of the party are:
1) The Central Control and Auditing Commission of the Party is the highest control body of the Party, elected for 4 years.
The control and revision commission of the corresponding branch of the party, elected for 1 year.
Meetings of the control and audit commissions of all levels are held as necessary, but at least once every six months, and are eligible with the participation of more than half of their members.
Decisions of the control and auditing bodies of the party are taken by a majority vote of their members present and are binding.
2) The Party Control Committee is the control body of the Party.
Meetings of the Party Control Committee, regional and territorial commissions of the Party Control Committee are held as necessary, but at least once every six months, and are valid with the participation of more than half of their members.
Decisions of the Party Control Committee, regional and territorial commissions of the Party Control Committee are taken by a majority vote of their members present.
8.8. To ensure the activities of the party and its branches, the Central Party Apparatus and the apparatuses of the corresponding branches of the Party are created.
8.9. The powers of the bodies of the Party and its branches shall be retained until the election of their new members.
8.10. Resolutions of the Congress and the Political Council of the Party are signed by the Chairman of the Party or, on his behalf, by the Executive Secretary of the Party.
8.11. Meetings of the bodies of the party and its branches can be held remotely, including using video conferencing. In this case, voting can be carried out by raising a hand, electronic voting or signing a voting sheet.;
9.1. The Party Congress is authorized to decide all questions of the Party’s activities.
The exclusive competence of the Party Congress includes:
adoption of the Charter, Program, Political platform and other program documents of the party, making changes and additions to them;
election and dismissal of the Chairman of the party;
election of members of the Political Council and the Central Control and Audit Commission of the party, as well as the withdrawal of members from their composition;
nomination of party members in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan as candidates for:
1) Presidents of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
2) deputies of the Mazhilis of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan, elected according to the party list, approval of this list and making changes to it;
listening to the report of the Political Council of the party on the work between the congresses of the party;
listening to the report of the Central Control and Auditing Commission on the financial and economic activities of the party between congresses;
determination of the competence, organizational structure, procedure for the formation and termination of the powers of the party’s governing bodies;
approval of the Regulations on the control and audit commissions;
making a decision on the reorganization and liquidation of the party;
approval of the amount of party membership dues.
9.2. The party chairman is the highest leading person in the party:
carries out general management of the activities of the party;
opens the party congress and presides over it;
leads and manages the work of the Political Council of the party, its Bureau, chairs their meetings;
has the right to make suggestions:
1) to nominate a candidate for the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, candidates for deputies of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan, to discuss the candidacy of the Prime Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the faction of the party in the Mazhilis of the Parliament during consultations of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan with the faction;
2) on candidates recommended to the Party Political Council, its Bureau and the Central Control and Auditing Commission of the Party and the head of the Party’s central apparatus;
appoints from among the party members the Executive Secretary of the Party and the Party Secretaries, as well as other officials, determines their powers and functional duties and resolves the issue of dismissing them from their positions;
coordinates the work of the deputy faction of the party in the Mazhilis of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
takes measures to ensure the growth of the authority and influence of the party in society, strengthen the party ranks and internal party discipline, improve the personnel policy of the party;
hears the leaders of the branches of the party, if necessary, decides on the conformity of their positions in the party bodies;
makes decisions on improving the structure of the party’s bodies;
acts on behalf of the party without a power of attorney and represents it in relations with third parties, including state bodies, public associations and other parties both domestically and abroad;
issues powers of attorney to officials of party bodies for the right to represent the interests of the party in relations with third parties, including in judicial and other bodies;
presents to the deputy faction in the Mazhilis of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan the candidacy of the head of the faction;
signs the resolutions, statements and appeals adopted by the Congress, the Political Council of the Party and its Bureau;
can make decisions on all issues of the party’s activities that are not within the exclusive competence of the Party Congress, issue resolutions, sign financial and other documents, have the right to hire and dismiss employees of party bodies and apparatuses in accordance with the law;
cancels the decisions of the party bodies, the parliamentary faction in the Mazhilis of the Parliament, if they contradict the legislation, the Charter and program documents of the party, the decisions of the Congress, the Chairman of the party, the Political Council of the party and its Bureau;
initiates, through the deputy faction of the party in the Mazhilis of the Parliament, the issue of expressing a vote of no confidence in the Government and its members;
has other rights established by the legislation and the Charter of the party.
9.3. The chairman of the party has the right, by his decision, to entrust the authority to the Executive Secretary of the party for:
general management of the activities of the party, as well as organizations created with the participation of the party or created by the party;
coordinating the work of the faction in the Mazhilis of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan and party branches;
approving regulations on the Party Central Office and structural subdivisions of the Party Central Office, on the party budget, the procedure for using party funds and property;
approval of the structure, staff list, system of remuneration and material incentives for party workers;
awarding party awards;
hiring, dismissal, promotion and imposition of disciplinary sanctions on employees of party bodies.
presiding over the meetings of the Bureau of the Political Council of the party and signing the decisions of the Bureau;
hearing the heads of the branches of the party and, if necessary, making proposals to the Chairman of the party on their compliance with their positions;
the formation of consultative and advisory bodies under the party, the approval of the composition and Regulations on them;
approval, in agreement with the Chairman of the party, of the consolidated budget of the party and the report on the execution of the consolidated budget of the party;
approval of annual budgets (cost estimates) of party branches and reports on their implementation, as well as approval of annual budgets of organizations created with the participation of the party or created by the party and reports on their implementation;
appointment from among the members of the party to the position or dismissal of the executive secretary of the regional branch and deputy executive secretaries of the regional branch on the proposal of the relevant Bureau of the Political Council of the branch of the party;
approval of the nomenclature of positions appointed and dismissed by the Executive Secretary of the party, or agreed with him;
issuance of a power of attorney, other officials of party bodies for the right to represent the interests of the party in relations with third parties, including in judicial and other bodies, in election commissions with the right of an advisory vote for the period of preparation and conduct of the election campaign, signatures of financial and other documents, publications relevant orders;
decision-making on issues within the competence of the founder (participant) in other legal entities in which the party is the founder (participant), with the exception of decisions taken by the Bureau of the Political Council of the party;
implementation of other functions and decision-making in accordance with this Charter, not assigned to the exclusive competence of the Chairman of the Party, the Congress, the Political Council and the Bureau of the Political Council of the Party.
9.4. Political Council of the Party:
determines the main directions of activity of the Party bodies in carrying out the decisions of the Party Congress;
considers issues related to the party’s participation in election campaigns;
approves the rules for holding primaries;
considers and submits political statements and appeals on behalf of the party;
determines the position of the party on the emerging social relations;
on the proposal of the Chairman of the party, elects from among its members the members of the Bureau of the Political Council of the party;
convenes party congresses, forms their agenda;
makes decisions on holding intra-party discussions, organizes their holding and summing up;
solves other questions of the Party’s activities that do not fall within the exclusive competence of the Party Congress.
The political council of the party has the right to submit certain issues within its competence for consideration by the Bureau of the Political Council of the party.
9.5. Bureau of the Political Council of the Party:
directs the work of the party in the period between Congresses and meetings of the Political Council of the party;
ensures the implementation of the decisions of the Congress, the Chairman of the Party and the Political Council of the Party;
considers topical socio-economic and socio-political issues of the life of the republic;
determines the order of distribution of deputy mandates among candidates included in the party list for deputies of the Mazhilis of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
hears the reports of the heads of the branches of the party, the head and members of the deputy faction in the Majilis, members of the party – deputies of the Senate of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
expresses the party’s position on social relations;
considers and submits political statements and appeals on behalf of the Political Council of the party;
convenes meetings of the Political Council of the party;
submits proposals to the Political Council of the party on nomination of candidates for inclusion in the party list for election to the deputies of the Majilis of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the territory of a single national constituency, candidates for deputies of the Senate of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan for subsequent recommendation to their party factions (groups) of the respective maslikhats;
carries out recall or rotation of deputies of the Mazhilis of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan elected from the party in accordance with the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan and legislative acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
creates a deputy faction in the Mazhilis of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
determines the procedure for the formation of a party personnel reserve for nominating candidates for the Political Councils of the party and its branches, for the positions of political civil servants, as well as for deputies of a higher or local representative body;
coordinates the candidates proposed by the governing body of the branch for inclusion in the prescribed manner in the party list of candidates for deputies of the local representative body;
determines the procedure for approval by the conference of the branch of the party of the Pre-election program of the party for the territorial constituency;
approves the forms of party documents and provisions necessary for the activities of the party, its deputy associations, samples of the attributes of moral encouragement;
recommends candidates for awarding state awards, honorary titles, approves the procedure for awarding party awards;
considers the issue of termination of membership in the party of deputies of the Majilis of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan, as well as their appeal against the decision;
have the right to form commissions and working groups in various areas of party political work;
accepts documents on various areas of the party’s activity, with the exception of program documents adopted by the Party Congress;
makes decisions on the creation by the party or participation of the party in legal entities, reorganization or liquidation of legal entities in which the party is a founder (participant);
approves the regulations on the structural divisions of the party;
approves the procedure for imposing party penalties for violating internal party discipline by a party member;
cancels decisions of lower party bodies in cases of their inconsistency with the Charter and decisions of higher party bodies;
solves other issues, including those delegated by the Political Council of the party.
9.6. Party Branch Conference:
resolves all issues related to the activities of the relevant regional, territorial branch, except for those referred to the competence of the higher bodies of the party;
hears the reports of the Political Council, the control and audit commission of the branch of the party;
elects members of the Political Council and the Control and Auditing Commission of the branch of the party, if necessary, removes members from them;
elects and dismisses the chairman of the branch of the party. The corresponding decision of the regional party conference is subject to approval by the Chairman of the party or the Bureau of the Political Council of the party;
approves in accordance with the established procedure the Pre-election program of the party for the territorial constituency on the basis of program documents approved at the Congress of the party;
includes in the party list of persons for election as deputies of the maslikhat;
nominates a party list of candidates for maslikhat deputies;
nominate candidates for other elective positions in local government and self-government bodies;
participates in the discussion of candidates nominated for akims of administrative-territorial units.
The regional party conference elects delegates to the party congress.
The territorial party conference elects delegates to the conference of the corresponding regional party conference.
The conference of the branch of the party has the right to delegate certain powers to the corresponding Political Council of the branch of the party.
9.7. Political council of the branch of the party:
considers issues and determines measures to implement the decisions of the Congress, the Chairman of the Party, the Political Council of the Party, the Bureau of the Political Council of the Party, the higher conference of the branch of the Party;
elects from among its members the members of the Bureau of the Political Council of the branch of the party;
resolves other issues that are not within the competence of the higher bodies of the party and its branches.
9.8. Bureau of the Political Council of the branch of the party:
ensures the implementation of decisions of higher party bodies;
directs the activities of lower party bodies, hears their reports;
creates deputy factions (groups) in local representative bodies and recommends candidates for their leaders;
determines the sequence of distribution of deputy mandates among the candidates for deputies of the maslikhat included in the party list;
gives consent to party members for self-nomination as a candidate for deputies of the Senate of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan and for other elective positions in local government and self-government bodies;
performs recall or rotation of maslikhat deputies elected from the party in accordance with the legislative acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
coordinates with the Bureau of the Political Council of the party the candidates proposed for inclusion in the prescribed manner in the party list of candidates for deputies of the local representative body;
convenes a conference of the branch of the party and forms its agenda;
coordinates the work of deputy factions (groups) of the relevant local representative bodies, hears reports from their members;
initiates through the deputy factions (groups) of the party in maslikhats the issue of expressing a vote of no confidence in the akim;
convenes meetings of the corresponding Political Council of the branch of the party;
makes decisions on the creation, restructuring and termination of the activity of primary party organizations;
submits proposals to the relevant Political Council on candidates recommended to elected bodies of various levels;
considers the issue of termination of membership in the party of maslikhat deputies, as well as their appeal against the decision;
preliminarily approves the draft annual budget (cost estimates) of the branch and the report on the execution of the budget (cost estimates) of the branch;
cancels the decisions of lower party bodies in cases of inconsistency with the Party Charter;
resolves other issues within the statutory competence.
9.9. Meeting of the primary party organization:
discusses and takes measures to implement the decisions of higher party bodies;
determines the main directions of activity of the primary party organization and makes decisions on the fulfillment of the tasks facing it;
discusses socio-political, socio-economic and other issues affecting the legitimate interests of citizens, and submits proposals on them to higher party bodies;
recommends party members to territorial branches of the party for nomination as a candidate for the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, candidates for deputies of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan, maslikhats of the Republic of Kazakhstan and for other elective positions in state authorities and local governments in accordance with the law;
elects the chairman of the primary party organization and his deputy, if necessary, the Bureau of the primary party organization;
decides on admission to the party, termination of membership in the party and imposition of party penalties on party members;
elects delegates to the territorial party conference.
The meeting of the primary party organization has the right to transfer some of its powers to the Bureau of the primary party organization, if it is elected.
9.10. Recall or rotation of deputies of the Mazhilis of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan and maslikhats elected from the party is carried out upon termination of their powers in the manner established by the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan and legislative acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan.;
10.1. The executive bodies are authorized to resolve all issues of their activity, except for those referred to the competence of the higher bodies of the party.
10.2. Party central office:
coordinates the work of the structural divisions and branches of the party, the Bureau (chairmen) of the primary party organizations, as well as organizations created with the participation of the party or created by the party;
provides information, analytical, ideological, organizational, documentation, legal, logistical and other support for the activities of the party;
ensures the execution of decisions and instructions of the Chairman of the Party, the Executive Secretary of the Party and the Party Secretaries, the highest leading, highest representative, leading bodies of the Party and the Central Control and Audit Commission of the Party, and also monitors their implementation;
solves other issues on behalf of the Chairman of the party.
Regulations on the Central Office of the Party and structural subdivisions of the Central Office of the Party, structure, staffing, wage system are approved by the Chairman of the Party.
Reception, dismissal, promotion and imposition of disciplinary sanctions on employees is carried out by the Chairman of the party.
The employees of the Central Office of the Party are subject to the labor legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan on social security and insurance.
10.3. Party branch apparatus:
provides information, analytical, ideological, organizational, documentation, legal, logistical and other support for the activities of the party branch;
ensures the execution of decisions and instructions of the Chairman of the Party, the Executive Secretary of the Party, the Party Secretaries, higher bodies of the Party and monitors their implementation;
resolves other issues within the statutory competence.
The management of the activities of the apparatuses of the respective branches of the party, by decision of the Chairman of the party, is carried out by the chairman or executive secretary of the branch of the party, who:
opens the conference of the branch of the party and presides over it;
leads and manages the work of the Political Council of the branch, its Bureau, chairs their meetings;
proposes candidates for the election of members of the Bureau;
accepts, dismisses, encourages employees of the apparatus of the party branch, imposes disciplinary sanctions on them in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan or gives his consent to this.
The structure, staffing of the party branches, the system of remuneration is determined by the Chairman of the party.
The right to sign financial and other documents, to represent and protect the legitimate interests of the party and its members, legal entities and individuals who have applied to the party bodies, in the executive, judicial and other bodies is granted to the chairmen and / or executive secretaries of the regional and territorial branches of the party by proxy of the Party Chairman .
The labor legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan on social security and insurance applies to the employees of the apparatus of the branches of the party.
10.4. Bureau (chairman) of the primary party organization:
organizes and ensures the activities of the primary party organization and meetings of the primary party organization;
ensures the execution of decisions of higher party bodies and exercises control over their implementation;
ensures the collection of entrance and party membership dues;
conducts work on the admission of new members to the party;
organizes registration of party members;
solves other issues within the limits of the statutory competence;
11.1. The party congress, conferences of regional branches of the party elect their control and auditing bodies, determine their quantitative and personal composition.
11.2. The Central Control and Auditing Commission of the Party, the Control and Auditing Commissions of regional branches of the Party exercise control over the financial and economic activities of the Party bodies and act in accordance with the law, the Charter of the Party and the Regulations on Controlling and Auditing Commissions.
11.3. The Central Control and Audit Commission is accountable to the Party Congress, and the regional Control and Audit Commissions are accountable to the respective party conferences.
11.4. The Central Control and Auditing Commission, the Control and Auditing Commissions of regional branches elect the chairmen of the commissions and their deputies from among their members.
11.5. The Central Control and Auditing Commission of the Party for the implementation of its activities may involve independent experts.
11.6. The Party Control Committee operates on the basis of the Regulation approved by the Chairman of the Party.
11.7. The Party Control Committee is accountable to the Chairman of the Party.
11.8. The Chairman of the Party Control Committee is appointed by the Chairman of the Party.
11.9. The composition of the Party Control Committee is determined by the Chairman of the Party at the suggestion of the Chairman of the Party Control Committee. The composition of the regional commissions of the Party Control Committee is determined by the relevant Bureau of the political council of the branch of the party in agreement with the Chairman of the Party Control Committee. The composition of the territorial commissions of the Party Control Committee is determined by the relevant Bureau of the political council of the branch of the party in agreement with the chairman of the relevant commission of party control of the regional branch of the party.;
12.1. Party funds are formed from:
admission and membership dues;
donations from citizens and non-governmental organizations of the Republic of Kazakhstan, made in the manner established by the central executive body that provides tax control over the fulfillment of tax obligations to the state, provided that these donations are documented and their source is indicated;
business income;
budget funds.
Donations from:
foreign states, foreign legal entities and international organizations;
foreigners and stateless persons;
legal entities with foreign participation;
state bodies and state organizations;
religious associations and charitable organizations;
anonymous donors;
citizens or non-governmental organizations of the Republic of Kazakhstan receiving grants and other funds from international or foreign non-governmental organizations.
The party, in the manner determined by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, may own property necessary for the material support of the activities provided for by this Charter, as well as organizations created at its expense, with the exception of objects prohibited by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Party branches have the right to use the property belonging to the party, and their leaders are responsible for its safety in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
The owner of the money, property of the party and its branches is the party.
Financial resources and other property of the party among party members are not distributed and spent in accordance with the statutory goals.
Party members are not liable for the obligations of the Party, just as the Party is not liable for the obligations of its members.
Party members have no rights in relation to party property.
12.2. Party members pay monthly party dues in the following amount:
working citizens of working age – 0.1 of the monthly calculation index established for the corresponding financial year by the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the republican budget, and more at the request of a party member;
students, students of organizations of higher and postgraduate education – 0.01 of the monthly calculated indicator established for the corresponding financial year by the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the republican budget, and more at the request of a party member.
Pensioners, the disabled, the unemployed, and those on parental leave are exempted from party membership dues.
Entrance party dues are paid at a time and are equated to the monthly amount of party membership dues.
Students, students of organizations of higher and postgraduate education, as well as pensioners, the disabled, the unemployed, as well as persons on parental leave, are exempted from paying entrance party fees.
Payment and accounting of entrance and party membership dues is carried out in accordance with the procedure for payment and accounting of party dues.
12.3. Receipts of funds, their use and other property of the party are checked by control and audit commissions in the prescribed manner .; The results of inspections, if necessary, are submitted for consideration to the party bodies.
Control over the spending of budgetary funds allocated to finance the activities of the party is carried out in the manner prescribed by the budgetary legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
12.4. The party’s regional branches submit a monthly report on the execution of the budget (cost estimates) to the Central Office of the Party.
Regional branches of the party annually, in the manner determined by the normative document of the party, submit to the Central Office of the party annual financial statements and an annual report on budget execution (cost estimates).
Forms of reports and deadlines for their submission are determined in the regulation on the budget of the party, approved by the Executive Secretary of the party.
The Bureau of the Political Council of the Party approves the annual separate and consolidated financial statements of the party, as well as the annual separate and consolidated financial statements of organizations established with the participation of the party or created by the party.
12.5. Party officials are responsible for the safety and proper use of the money and property of the party.
12.6. In order to accumulate financial resources and develop the material and technical base, for the implementation of statutory activities in the manner prescribed by law, the party has the right to:
carry out entrepreneurial and economic activities, conclude contracts, make transactions that are not prohibited by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
rent, lease buildings, structures, equipment, vehicles, other property in accordance with the established procedure;
receive loans and use credit funds;
make transactions, conclude agreements, assume obligations, act under the power of attorney of third-party organizations;
carry out its activities jointly with other persons, including the creation of a legal entity;
carry out foreign economic activity in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Proceeds from donations from citizens and non-governmental organizations of the Republic of Kazakhstan, from leasing property of the party, income from the entrepreneurial and economic activities of the party are credited to the bank account of the party.
12.7. The party may use its funds for charitable purposes in the prescribed manner.
12.8. Donations from citizens and non-governmental organizations, entrance fees, membership fees of party members and money from other sources, as well as other property are distributed for the purposes of the party, provided for by this Charter.
12.9. The party and its structural subdivisions bear financial responsibility in accordance with the requirements of the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The procedure for financial reporting of a party and its structural subdivisions (branches) in the field of management of monetary and other tangible assets is determined in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
12.10. The annual financial statements of the party are published annually in the media.;
13.1. The party has its own flag, anthem, emblem, and badge as symbols.
13.2. The emblem of the party is obligatory for execution on seals, letterheads, party documents confirming membership in the party.
13.3. The emblem of the party in accordance with Appendix No. 1 to this Charter is:
The emblem of the Green Party of Kazakhstan “Baytak” is the image of the Baiterek tree against the background of a general white color. In the lower part – the name of the party “BAYTAQ” JASYLDAR PARTIASY “is written in Latin script. The inscription “BAYTAQ” JASYLDAR PARTIASY” has a rich green color.
13.4. The flag of the party in accordance with Appendix No. 2 to this Charter is the Flag of the Green Party of Kazakhstan “Baytak”, in the center of which is Baiterek, personifying eternity, stability and green nature. The ornament means national values, customs, traditions, the history of the people and the root of the Baiterek tree. Green is associated with the beginning of life and the image of a growing green plant. At the same time, it embodies the will to freedom, perseverance, purposefulness and quality to appreciate. And white color – purity and justice! Flag width – 1 meter, length – 2 meters.
13.5. According to Appendix No. 3 to this Charter, the anthem of the party is the work of Baitak elim – mahabbat, the author of the words is Kayyrgali Abishev.
13.6. Badge in accordance with Annex No. 4 to this Charter – Badge – the emblem of the «Baytaq» The Green рarty of Qazaqstan – the image of the Baiterek tree against a general white background, dressed in green in a large and small circle and on the right and left sides an ornament that personifies national values highlighted in green. In the lower part – the name of the party “BAYTAQ” JASYLDAR PARTIASY “is written in Latin script. The inscription “BAYTAQ” JASYLDAR PARTIASY” has a rich green color.
Emblem diameter – 19.56 mm;
14.1. The issue of introducing amendments and additions to the Charter and the Program of the Party for consideration by the Party Congress is submitted by the Political Council of the Party, or by the Chairman of the Party, or at the request of at least 1/3 of the total number of delegates present at the Congress.
14.2. Amendments and additions to the Party Charter adopted by the congress are subject to state registration.;
15.1. The reorganization of the party (merger, accession, division, separation, transformation) is carried out by decision of the party congress in the manner prescribed by the legislative acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan and this Charter.
Registration of a party newly formed after the reorganization is carried out in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
15.2. A party can be liquidated:
by decision of the party congress;
By the tribunal’s decision;
at the proposal of at least fifty-one percent of its members representing at least half of the regions.
15.3. The liquidation of the party is carried out by the liquidation commission appointed by the congress of the party or the court in the manner prescribed by the legislative acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
15.4. The property of the party remaining after its liquidation is directed to the purposes provided for by this Charter.
15.5. The liquidation of the party is considered completed, and the party ceased to operate, after making an appropriate entry in the National Register of Business Identification Numbers.
«Baytaq» The Green рarty of Qazaqstan
Changes and additions
Main - Charter

Based on the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On Political Parties,” and other regulatory legal acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan, as well as the Charter and Program of the Public Association «Baytaq» The Green рarty of Qazaqstan the II extraordinary congress of the Public Association «Baytaq» The Green рarty of Qazaqstan held in Astana on February 3, 2023, approved the following changes and additions to the Charter:
In section 2. OBJECTIVES, GOALS, TASKS, RIGHTS AND OBLIGATIONS OF THE PARTY of the Charter, subparagraph 1 of paragraph 2.4. shall be amended by adding the words “…and in single-member territorial electoral districts” after the words “…in a single nationwide electoral district…”.
In section 2. OBJECTIVES, GOALS, TASKS, RIGHTS AND OBLIGATIONS OF THE PARTY of the Charter, subparagraph 1 of paragraph 2.4. shall be amended by adding the words “…and in single-member territorial electoral districts” after the words “…in territorial electoral districts…”.
Subparagraphs 2 and 3 of paragraph 2.4. of section 2. OBJECTIVES, GOALS, TASKS, RIGHTS AND OBLIGATIONS OF THE PARTY shall be presented in the following version: “as deputies of the Majilis of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the party list in a single nationwide electoral district and in single-member territorial electoral districts; as deputies of the Maslikhats of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the party list in territorial electoral districts and in single-member territorial electoral districts.”
Paragraph 2.4. of section 2. OBJECTIVES, GOALS, TASKS, RIGHTS AND OBLIGATIONS OF THE PARTY shall be supplemented with subparagraph 12 of the following content: “12) has the right to send representatives to observe elections in accordance with its statutory goals regarding the implementation and protection of political rights and freedoms of citizens.” Accordingly, the “period” at the end of subparagraph 11) shall be replaced with a “semicolon”.
In all other respects, the Charter shall be in the version approved by the I founding congress of the Public Association “«Baytaq» The Green рarty of Qazaqstan” on September 24, 2022.
Chairman of the Party ________________________ A. Amirtayev.