The People’s Headquarters in Support of the Construction of a Nuclear Power Plant Unites Millions of Kazakhstanis

September 5, 2024

Today, the Speaker of the Mazhilis and Chairman of the “AMANAT” Party, Yerlan Koshanov, Held the First Meeting of the People’s Headquarters in Support of the Construction of a Nuclear Power Plant

The headquarters includes about 250 representatives from six political parties and approximately 20 national public organizations, according to the press service of the People’s Headquarters.

The referendum on the construction of the nuclear power plant, scheduled for October 6, holds strategic importance for the future of Independent Kazakhstan. That is why the most active and authoritative political and public organizations in the country have united within the People’s Headquarters to support the nuclear power plant construction. This was stated by Yerlan Koshanov, Speaker of the Mazhilis and Chairman of the “AMANAT” Party, during the first meeting of the Headquarters. The headquarters was created to bring people together around the progressive idea of building a nuclear power plant.

“The construction of a nuclear power plant is a breakthrough project, ensuring the successful development of Kazakhstan for many years to come. All leading minds in our country and around the world recognize the benefits of using nuclear energy. It is, first of all, safe, reliable, and environmentally friendly. We face a crucial decision. The task of the People’s Headquarters is to conduct a widespread information campaign among the population and mobilize society to support the nuclear power plant. The referendum on October 6 will demonstrate our unity and solidarity,” Koshanov said.

The Speaker of the Mazhilis emphasized that energy independence is now at the forefront of the national agenda. The experience of advanced countries clearly demonstrates the efficiency and safety of nuclear energy. Currently, Kazakhstan is already facing an energy shortage and is forced to import electricity from neighboring countries. Therefore, the main task of the People’s Headquarters is to communicate the significance and advantages of building the nuclear power plant, dispelling deeply rooted myths and fears among the population. Moreover, there is already successful experience of collaboration between political parties and NGOs.

“Each of us dreams of our children living in a strong, independent country. By deciding to build a nuclear power plant, we take a step toward realizing that great dream. We secure the country’s energy sovereignty forever. We leave a legacy to future generations of an energy-independent, and thus economically stable and developed, Kazakhstan. This historic decision will write a new chapter in the history of building a Just Kazakhstan,” Koshanov added.

During the meeting, other leaders of organizations within the People’s Headquarters also voiced their support for the construction of the nuclear power plant: President of the National Academy of Sciences Akhylbek Kurishbayev, General Director of “Kazakh Atomic Power Plants” Timur Zhantikin, President of the Civil Alliance of Kazakhstan Banu Nurgaziyeva, Chairman of the Presidium of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs “Atameken” Raimbek Batalov, Chairman of the People’s Party of Kazakhstan Yermukhamet Yertysbayev, Chairman of the National Veterans Organization Baktykozha Izmukhambetov, Leader of the “Auyl” Party Serik Yegizbayev, Chairman of the Democratic Party “Ak Zhol” Azat Peruashev, Mazhilis Deputy Yermurat Bapi, Chairman of the “Respublica” Party Aidarbek Khojanazarov, Chairman of the “Baitaq” Party Azamatkhan Amirtayev, Chairman of the “Zhas Rukh” Youth Wing Akerke Iskanderova, and others.

**”We have been working in this direction since the announcement of the referendum in the President’s Address. A nuclear power plant is primarily necessary to eliminate the energy deficit. Turkish investors are launching the Kentau enrichment plant, a $500 million project. However, there is a lack of energy. Many compare nuclear energy to wind and solar energy, but we must not forget their instability.

Now, regarding the environmental aspect. In 2016, Kazakhstan signed the Paris Agreement on climate change. According to the agreement, by 2030, our country must reduce carbon emissions into the atmosphere by 15-20%. If in 2016, 323 million tons of carbon were released into the atmosphere, today this figure has increased to 353 million tons. Instead of reducing emissions, we are increasing them. In 2030, international organizations will once again assess and evaluate the ecological situation. How are we going to solve this problem? The level of air pollution from nuclear power plants is extremely low. Our party fully supports this new project and the green economy,”** said Azamatkhan Amirtayev, Chairman of the “Baitaq” party.

In addition, the People’s Headquarters includes the Federation of Trade Unions of Kazakhstan, the National Veterans Organization, the Association of National Sports, the “Assembleya Zhas’tary” Youth Organization, the Nuclear Society of Kazakhstan, the Association of Mining and Metallurgical Enterprises, the Kazakhstan Electric Power Association, and others.

Among the members of the Headquarters are central and regional assets of political parties, as well as national public associations, including members of Parliament and local councils, representatives of the intelligentsia, renowned scientists, distinguished figures of culture and sports, activists from “Zhas’tar Rukh” and other youth organizations. In the near future, the members of the Headquarters will begin working with voters in the regions, hold meetings with labor collectives, and visit remote settlements.

It is worth noting that President of Kazakhstan Kassym-Jomart Tokayev has scheduled the referendum on the construction of the nuclear power plant for October 6, 2024, and signed a decree on its implementation. The Central Election Commission has approved the calendar plan for the referendum on the nuclear power plant.