Round Table in Aktau: “Tengiz, Kashagan, Karachaganak Oil and Gas Fields: From Export to Deep Processing of Oil and Gas”

September 11, 2024

On September 14, 2024, the Kazakhstan Green Party “BAYTAQ,” together with the “Parasat” Entrepreneurs’ Alliance, will hold a round table on the topic: “Tengiz, Kashagan, Karachaganak Oil and Gas Fields: From Export to Deep Processing of Oil and Gas.”

“The country’s subsoil is the wealth of the people!”

A petition titled “Disclosure of oil contract terms as the first step in transforming Kazakhstan’s oil and gas sector” has been registered to address this issue.

Link to the petition: We demand the disclosure of PSA terms for TCO, KPO, and NCOC

Event speakers:

  • Azamatkhan Amirtayev – Chairman of the “BAYTAQ” Green Party of Kazakhstan, member of the Coordinating Council
  • Petr Svoik – Political scientist, economist, energy expert, member of the Coordinating Council
  • Olzhas Baidildinov – Expert in the oil and gas sector and host of the program “Baidildinov Oil,” member of the Coordinating Council
  • Vladimir Dvoretsky – Chairman of the Industrialists’ Union of Kazakhstan’s Secondary Metallurgy, member of the Coordinating Council
  • Oleg Pak – Chairman of the Entrepreneurs’ Alliance “Parasat,” Chairman of the public organization “Kazkhimprom,” public figure, businessman
  • He Qiushi – Chief Representative for Central Asia of China National Chemical Engineering Co., Ltd.
  • Wang Shuai – General Director of Wison Engineering Co., Ltd.
  • Representatives from oil companies
  • Regional authorities, heads of departments and administrations
  • Bloggers and journalists
  • Civil activists

Venue: Aktau, 1v microdistrict, building 1, Oil City Exhibition Center
Event starts at 9:00 AM

Round Table Agenda:

Welcome speech:

Moderator: Oleg Pak – Chairman of the Entrepreneurs’ Alliance “Parasat,” Chairman of the public organization “Kazkhimprom,” public figure, businessman.

  1. Petition to disclose the terms of oil contracts for the Tengiz, Kashagan, and Karachaganak fields: What will it bring to Kazakhstan?

Link to petition: We demand the disclosure of PSA terms for TCO, KPO, and NCOC
Speaker: Oleg Pak – Chairman of the Coordinating Council of the “Parasat” Entrepreneurs’ Alliance.

  1. Environmental consequences of foreign investors’ operations at the Tengiz, Kashagan, and Karachaganak fields

Speaker: Azamatkhan Amirtayev – Chairman of the Green Party “BAYTAQ,” member of the Coordinating Council.

  1. A new economic model as a tool to achieve the President’s goals

Speaker: Petr Svoik – Political scientist, economist, energy expert, member of the Coordinating Council.

  1. Petition on changing the state’s approach to interacting with businesses: “Business community as a partner of the state in achieving the President’s goals”

Link to the petition: Transformation or liquidation of the NCE “Atameken”
Speaker: Vladimir Dvoretsky – Chairman of the Industrialists’ Union of Kazakhstan’s Secondary Metallurgy.

  1. Oil and gas extraction industry: Problems and solutions. How much do we miss out on from oil and gas production?

Speaker: Olzhas Baidildinov – Oil and gas sector expert, host of the program “Baidildinov Oil,” member of the Coordinating Council.

  1. Changing the revenue structure of the Tengiz, Kashagan, and Karachaganak fields through the implementation of petrochemical clusters

Speakers: Major engineering companies in the oil and gas sector:

— He Qiushi, Chief Representative for Central Asia, “China National Chemical Engineering Co., Ltd.”

— Wang Shuai, General Director, “Wison Engineering Co., Ltd.”

Discussion, Q&A session, and round table resolution

Press Conference: Tentatively scheduled for 11:30 AM.

Forum: Open networking for participants.

We invite you to participate in this event!

For any questions, please contact:
Oleg Pak – 87017669778