Chairman of the Baitak party Azamatkhan Amirtayev received gratitude from the head of the Atyrau regional maslikhat

August 20, 2024

Today, the Chairman of the Green Party of Kazakhstan “Baytak” Azamatkhan Amirtayev was awarded a letter of gratitude from the Chairman of the Atyrau Regional Maslikhat. This award was a recognition of his significant contribution to helping those affected by the recent floods that swept the region.

The floods in the Atyrau region caused serious damage to people and settlements, destroying houses and infrastructure. Many citizens were left homeless and needed urgent assistance. Azamatkhan Amirtayev, known for his active civic position and commitment to environmental protection, did not stand aside and actively joined in organizing assistance to the victims. Under his leadership, the Green Party “Baytak” organized an assistance headquarters that operates throughout the country. The headquarters sent party members, assistance to the victims and resources to eliminate the consequences of the disaster.

The document was ceremoniously presented by the deputy of the Atyrau Regional Maslikhat from the Green Party “Baytak” Bakyt Kametov.

In his statement on the occasion of receiving the certificate, Azamatkhan Amirtayev expressed gratitude for the recognition of his efforts.

In addition to financial and humanitarian assistance, the Kazakhstan Green Party “Baytak” has initiated a campaign to develop measures to prevent this from happening again, taking into account international experience.

This gesture by the authorities emphasizes the importance of public solidarity and joining forces in difficult times.

, #Baytaq, #GreenParty