The Green Parties of Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan jointly developed a roadmap for solving water problems
“Greens” against bans: “Baytak” party insists on strict control of the vaping industry
Kazakhstan’s Green Party “Baytak” has proposed its own plan for regulating vaping
Kazakhstan’s Green Party “Baytak” has proposed its own plan for regulating vaping
What measures can be taken to combat vaping were discussed in the capital
The Kazakhstani green party “Baytak” proposed its plan for regulating vaping
Тhe whole family will be cursed if they kill saigas, is it true?
The Green Party “Baytak” will hold a press conference on the topic: “Banning the sale of electronic nicotine delivery systems (vapes) is not an option, strict regulation is necessary”
Chairman of the Green Party “Baytak” Azamatkhan Amirtayev and Chief of Staff of the Party Bekbergen Kerey took part in the development of national objectives for the conservation of biodiversity in Kazakhstan
Chairman of the Green Party “Baytak” Azamatkhan Amirtayev and Chief of Staff of the Party Bekbergen Kerey took part in the development of national objectives for the conservation of biodiversity in Kazakhstan