Pak Oleg

WORK EXPERIENCE: EDUCATION: LANGUAGES: SKILLS:Teamwork organization, strategic planning, crisis management, establishment of new productions, implementation of start-up projects, participation in legislative working groups in the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan, support and protection of domestic manufacturers’ interests.

Koptleuov Nurlan

Election headquarters for the March 2007 “primaries”.Coordinator In September 2007, in February 2008, Kyzylorda region, at KSU named after “Korkyt Ata”chief specialist, chief methodologist 2009-2010 Kyzylorda city clinic #6technical safety and labor inspector; DyutGasPozhService LLPdeputy general director. Konys-San LLP in 2015-2016 2017-2018 “Bak-bereke 2030” LLP In 2019-2020, regional manager of “FN Management” LLP, managing holding […]

Kazitov Seiful-Malik Turekhanovich

Я, Казитов Сейфул-Малик Туреханович, родился 14 июня 1977 года в пос. Жезды, Улытауского района, Карагандинской области. Семья: Папа: Казитов Турехан Жунусович, 1952 года рождения. Работал директором музыкальной школы пос.Жезды. Умер в 1982 году. Мама: Казитова Багила Закеновна, 1949 года рождения. Проработала в государственной службе, на данный момент персионер. Сестра: Казитова Гульнур Турехановна, 1973 года рождения. […]

Berdieva Zhanar

I, Berdieva Zhanar Zhaksylykkyzy, was born on March 22, 1971, in the village of Karateren, situated in the Aral District of the Kyzylorda Region. In 1988, I completed my studies at the T. G. Shevchenko High School No. 82. Subsequently, I took up the position of a librarian at the M. Auezov Central Library in […]