Seikenov Batyr Eralkhanovich

Seikenov Batyr Eralkhanovich was born on February 24, 1964 in Kostanay region. Entrepreneur, hunter, fisherman, traveler, ardent supporter of sustainable development and wildlife conservation. Graduated from the Almaty Institute of National Economy and the Moscow Institute of National Economy. Plekhanov, is also a candidate of economic sciences. He started his career in government. authorities and […]
Sagitov Abay Orazovich

Chief Researcher of the Kazakh Research Institute of Plant Protection and Quarantine named after Zh. Zhiembaev,General Director of Agropark Ontustik LLP, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor, Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan Research activities: Sagitov A.O. – a prominent scientist and teacher in the field of plant protection and […]
Erlan Kydyrbaev

Ismailov Seydulla

The population affected by the explosion at the military base in the city of Arys received medical and psychological support. Upon receiving water in the villages of the Maktaaral district, a headquarters was opened, and psychological and social support was provided to the population. Brown belt in Aikido, judo, football, tennis. He took part in […]
Ayaibergenov Azamat Ayuykhanovich

Декабрь 2022 — настоящее время7 месяцев TOO Eco Green Service Заместитель генерального директора по развитию Развитие компании, увеличение обьема выпускаемой продукции, взаимодействие с государственными и иными заинтересованными органами Январь 2022 — Май 20225 месяцев TOO Clean City NC Заместитель генерального директора по коммерческим вопросам и развитию Все что связано с доходностью компании и развитию […]
Kazitov Seiful-Malik Turekhanovich

Я, Казитов Сейфул-Малик Туреханович, родился 14 июня 1977 года в пос. Жезды, Улытауского района, Карагандинской области. Семья: Папа: Казитов Турехан Жунусович, 1952 года рождения. Работал директором музыкальной школы пос.Жезды. Умер в 1982 году. Мама: Казитова Багила Закеновна, 1949 года рождения. Проработала в государственной службе, на данный момент персионер. Сестра: Казитова Гульнур Турехановна, 1973 года рождения. […]
Koptleuov Nurlan

Election headquarters for the March 2007 “primaries”.Coordinator In September 2007, in February 2008, Kyzylorda region, at KSU named after “Korkyt Ata”chief specialist, chief methodologist 2009-2010 Kyzylorda city clinic #6technical safety and labor inspector; DyutGasPozhService LLPdeputy general director. Konys-San LLP in 2015-2016 2017-2018 “Bak-bereke 2030” LLP In 2019-2020, regional manager of “FN Management” LLP, managing holding […]
Gani Nazarbek

Arman Kashkinbekov

EXPERIENCE: 2022 – present JSC “NATIONAL CENTER FOR STATE SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNICAL EXPERTISE” President Making key decisions. 2015-2022 RENEWABLE ENERGY ASSOCIATION OF KAZAKHSTAN Honorary General Director and Member of the Board of Directors Management of the largest and most influential Renewable Energy Association of Kazakhstan. 2021-2022 INTERNATIONAL SNOW LEOPARD FOUNDATION Director The increase in the […]
Samat Zhanat

Ministry of Ecology, Geology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan Position: Minister’s Adviser Education: Republican State Enterprise “Aktau University. Sh. Esenova”) Faculty: Economics and Management (in the social sphere and industries) Period of study: from 1997 to 2001 Awarded qualification economist University “Turan” Period of study: 2003-2006 Details of the diploma of education, […]