On January 26, 2024, a round table was held in the city of Konaev on the topic “Biological protection of the green fund” together with the Akimat of the Almaty region, representatives of the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources, the Kazakhstan Green Party “Baytak” and representatives of national parks.
As Erlan Kydyrbaev, secretary of the Kazakhstan Green Party “Baytak”, said: “Over the past four years, trees affected by pests have not been properly treated. Quarantine pests, which are also imported from neighboring countries, cause enormous damage. Tomorrow, national parks, cities and regions may be left without oaks, poplars, apple trees and even elms.
These circumstances are caused by inadequate work on biological treatment and protection of trees. Biological monitoring is not properly carried out in order to identify the specific species composition of pathogens, pests and their races, the timing of the appearance of pests or pathogens on trees, their life cycle is not forecast, and therefore the critical periods necessary for the proper and timely treatment of trees with appropriate preparations are missed . Also, no further analysis is carried out on the plant protection methods used, the country’s scientific potential is not used, and scientists with in-depth knowledge of the development of a complex of pests are not involved.
As the analysis shows, over the past years, administrators have not paid enough attention to biological monitoring and have not even allocated budgets for these activities. Work is carried out exclusively on pathological monitoring, that is, on detecting pockets of already infected and dying trees, which naturally leads to their further cutting down and the subsequent spread of infection to new areas; this method will lead to the disappearance of trees.
A tree is a living organism, doctors say “a bad doctor is the one who treats and does not carry out prevention,” and also “90% of treatment is a correct and timely diagnosis, then subsequent treatment.”
Mukhamadiev Nurzhan, Candidate of Biological Sciences, Head of the Department of Biological Plant Protection of the Kazakh Research Institute, spoke about the advantages of biological monitoring, timely identification of species and races of parasites, their stages of development, correct use of drugs, preventing trees from becoming infected and further audit of the methods used.
Gritsenko Dilyara, head of the laboratory of molecular biology at the Institute of Plant Biology and Biotechnology, spoke about existing threats in terms of infection from the outside and the capabilities of the institute.
Sagitov Abay, scientist in the field of plant protection, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor, Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, reported on the need to apply science in terms of protecting and improving the health of trees. About the consequences of the fact that in recent years science has not been applied and everything has been given to private owners.
The President of the Republic of Kazakhstan in his message voiced the need to plant 2 billion trees by 2026. At the local level, there is a failure to carry out the instructions of the Head of State, outright sabotage, in terms of the fact that not only is the planting and growing of trees not carried out properly, but on the contrary, administrators cannot maintain the existing green fund, which is massively sick and being cut down.

Fulfillment of the President’s instructions is necessary, first of all, to save the world. One of the main causes of global warming is the decrease in forest cover on the planet, as they attract moisture and retain CO2. When diseased trees are cut down without proper control, the planet’s climate dries out, fires appear like in Semey Ormana, which further aggravates the situation.
Destruction, improper control, care and protection of vegetation, especially using the budget, should be considered a crime against the people and all humanity.
The Kazakhstan Green Party “Baytak” has given proposals to solve this problem. The party intends to keep under constant control the implementation of the instructions of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, and make every effort to preserve the environment and the green fund.
Executive Secretary of the Kazakhstan Green Party “Baitak” Nurlan Koptleuov proposed: “To join forces, create a unified platform on this issue and 74 administrators of state national natural parks, cities and regions promptly need to identify operators for the protection of green spaces, determine the budget and proper technical documentation to the competition, with the goal of timely, before March of this year, care, protection and treatment of trees. Also replace whitewash with processing. For its part, the party is ready to provide the necessary consultations on this topic, with the involvement of scientists and specialists in the field of biological protection and plant health.
Among those present were: deputies, the chairman of the maslikhat, the head of the maslikhat apparatus of the Almaty region, heads of the departments of energy and housing and communal services, transport and highways, environmental management of the Almaty region, the ecology department of the Almaty region, the deputy head of the ecology department of the city of Almaty, the deputy head of the state regional natural park “Medeu” “, representatives of the State Ile-Alatau National Park, deputy akim of the city of Konaev, head of the State Enterprise at the PVC “Unified Customer Service”, environmental prosecutor’s office of the Almaty region, experts, researchers in the field of plant protection, Kazakhstan Green Party “Baytak”.