Memorandum of Cooperation

July 22, 2024

Between the Green Party of Kazakhstan “Baitaq” and the Green Party of Kyrgyzstan in the Field of Environmental Protection

Living in harmony with nature, preserving natural resources, and protecting the environment is the duty of every person on the planet. The main principle of the Green Party of Kazakhstan “Baitaq” is based on clean water and air, clean land, clean human relationships, and clean politics. To enhance cooperation through common goals, the party’s chairman Azamatkhan Amirtayev signed a cooperation agreement with the chairman of the Green Party of Kyrgyzstan, Erkin Bulekbayev, on July 21 in Cholpon-Ata, Kyrgyzstan. To draw attention to the principles of green parties, the region of Kyrchyn was specially chosen – the venue of the first Nomad Games.

Two countries, different in appearance but united in aspirations, view Turkic heritage, history, and culture as common and main values. They signed a memorandum of cooperation to preserve the unique nature of Central Asia for today’s children and future generations, ensuring sustainable development and ecological well-being. During the agreement, Kyrgyz partners proposed to hold a summit of green parties of Turkic countries in Turkestan.

The main goal of the memorandum is to respect common Turkic heritage and natural resources, strive for sustainable development, maintain transparency and openness in joint activities, adopt a scientific approach in solving environmental issues, involve local public organizations in environmental protection activities, achieve common environmental goals, and strengthen cooperation between the Parties to preserve the natural and cultural heritage of Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan.

In addition, the parties included the following areas in the memorandum:

  • Preservation of biodiversity and ecosystems of the Tien Shan and other natural areas (development of joint programs to protect rare species of flora and fauna; creation of transboundary protected natural areas)
  • Development of ecotourism (development of ecological routes showcasing the natural and cultural heritage of both countries)
  • Combating climate change and adapting to its consequences
  • Organization of joint projects for forest conservation and restoration
  • Environmental education and awareness (holding joint environmental festivals and celebrations)
  • Cooperation on issues of transboundary rivers and lakes, introduction of modern water-saving technologies
  • Development of a green economy: exchange of experience in the introduction of environmentally friendly technologies in industry and agriculture; implementation of joint initiatives on eco-labeling of products

What formats of events does the cooperation include?

  • Holding joint conferences, seminars, and round tables on environmental topics
  • Organizing experience exchange between delegations, experts, and young ecologists
  • Implementing joint scientific and practical projects
  • Creating joint working groups on specific environmental issues
  • Exchanging informational, analytical materials, and publications
  • Conducting joint environmental actions and campaigns


From the Green Party of Kazakhstan “Baitaq”:

  • Askar Muratovich Imanaliev, member of the Party’s Political Council, Chairman of the Almaty City Branch;
  • Karlygash Chapaevna Zhaksibaeva, eco-activist, eco-blogger;

From the Green Party of Kyrgyzstan:

  • Gulhan Biraevna Borubaeva, Deputy Chairman of the Party;
  • Feruza Myrzamamatovna Niyazova, Chairman of the Party’s Women’s Council;
  • Aigerim Kanatovna Osmonova, Leader of the Party’s Youth Wing;
  • Begaly Abdysolevich Khudaiberdiev, Chairman of the Batken Regional Branch;

For additional information, please contact the Press Center of the Green Party of Kazakhstan “Baitaq” at: +7 747 649 1288,